Congratulations! You have successfully completed this program and are better equipped to manage your lung disease as well as your overall health and wellness.
Goal 1: Locate exercise resources in your community to continue exercising regularly.
Goal 2: Exercise with us two times this week and continue daily walking 5-7 days per week for optimal health.
Goal 3: Take Action to complete the program self-assessments.
Goal 4: Celebrate the completion of the program with your family and friends!
Community Resources for Continuing Exercise
Don't stop now! Exercising helps you BREATHE Better and Stay STRONG. Continue exercising to maintain health and wellness. If you have met your SMART goal from Module 1, create a new SMART goal.
- Find exercise programs through community recreation centres or religious, cultural or other community organizations.
- Join or start a walking group in your local shopping mall or community gym.
- Join aqua-fit or a similar program in your community.
- Ask your healthcare provider or respirologist about the closest pulmonary rehabilitation facility for ongoing education and exercise.
- If you have a case manager, ask them about community programs for seniors.
Whether you find a supervised pulmonary rehabilitation program, a community centre or gym, keep moving. Continue increasing your intensity gradually and as tolerated, until you can achieve your best level of intensity. This is what you will strive for, to maintain and support your health, and to prevent loss of muscle mass.
Remember your steps to success:
- Self-assessment is key.
- Taking your medication as directed provides more consistency in how your symptoms present.
- Diaphragmatic breathing and pursed-lip breathing help you make the most of your breath, at rest or during exercise.
- Smile and celebrate! Keep calm and breathe on!
Method for exercise progression
Add 1 or 2 repetitions this week to your strength exercise. The max number of reps is 15.
If you were doing 15 repetitions, increase the amount of weight you are using. Add 0.5 – 1.0 kg for strength exercises. Begin with 8 reps of the new weight.
Gradually increase how long you walk, cycle or swim. Below is a guide to help you increase your walking time.

Home Walking Program
Week 1
5 minutes, 5 times per day
Weeks 2 & 3
10 minutes, 3 times per day
Weeks 4 & 5
15 minutes, 2 times per day
Week 6
20 minutes, 1 time per day
Week 7
25 minutes, 1 time per day
Week 8
30 minutes, 1 time per day
Relaxation, Meditation and Better Breathing
Reinforcing relaxation and diaphragmatic breathing.
Youtube supports many free Mindful Meditation and Better Breathing videos to promote effective breathing techniques, as well as mood, motivation, relaxation, stability, clarity and sleep enhancement. The Canadian Lung Association does not endorse the use of any particular or specific website or channel for meditation and relaxation. Sites listed are suggestions only.
Complete my self-assessments and see my progress for my health, wellness and exercise capacity.
Celebrate the progress that you have made in managing your lung disease, making healthy decisions, and improving the quality of your days to keep doing the things you enjoy with the people you love.
The journey of a thousand miles began with a single step.
Now it’s time to celebrate!
Your success was no accident. It was because of your hard work, perseverance and commitment.
You did it! Congratulations!
Introduction · Module 1 · Module 2 · Module 3 · Module 4
Module 5 · Module 6 · Module 7 · Module 8 · Conclusion
BREATHE Better – Stay STRONG Virtual Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program Medical Disclaimer
Before you begin the BREATHE Better – Stay STRONG Virtual Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program, please read and agree to the medical disclaimer.
Medical Advice Disclaimer, Disclaimer of Warranty and Limitation of Liability
Please read this document carefully. The Canadian Lung Association (CLA) strongly recommends that you consult your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before choosing to take part in BREATHE Better-Stay STRONG. You acknowledge that CLA offers no medical assessment, diagnosis, or treatment, and that CLA makes no determination as to whether or not you are physically fit to participate in this program. This program is intended for Canadians living with chronic lung disease, be it obstructive or restrictive in nature. This program is not supervised and therefore not intended for Canadians who are awaiting lung transplant, lung volume reduction surgery or those who have pulmonary hypertension. Certain pre-existing non-respiratory conditions may also exclude you from participating in the exercise portion of this program.
THERE ARE POTENTIAL RISKS INHERENT in your participation in BREATHE Better-Stay STRONG, including, without limitation, worsening of your existing symptoms, an increased load on the heart, episodes of light headedness, fainting, dizziness, pain, chest discomfort, shortness of breath and bone and muscular injury. If you experience faintness, dizziness, pain, or unmanageable shortness of breath at any time while participating in exercise program, you should stop immediately.
CLA and BREATHE Better-Stay STRONG cannot respond to medical emergencies. If you think you have a medical emergency, call 911 immediately.
CLA assumes no liability or responsibility for the use of any information provided by BREATHE Better-Stay STRONG, or for your reliance on this information in place of specific medical advice from a qualified health care provider. As is, the health information content provided in this program is current, reviewed and approved by qualified healthcare professionals. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, CLA disclaims all liability for any errors or other inaccuracies in the information provided. In no event shall CLA be liable for damages of any kind, including but not limited to direct, indirect, special, consequential, or other monetary damages in connection with your use of or reliance upon information provided by BREATHE Better-Stay STRONG.
By following this program, you acknowledge that you have read, understand and agree to abide by the above Medical Advice Disclaimer, and Disclaimer of Warranty and Limitation of Liability.