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Election 2019 : Statement from the CEO

On behalf of the Canadian Lung Association, I would like to congratulate The Liberal Party of Canada on yesterday’s victory. We are a non-partisan organization that relies on collaboration with the party(ies) in power at

Cannabis extract legalization: Canadian Lung Association cautions potential users

The Canadian Lung Association is and always has been concerned about the lung health of Canadians. It is our responsibility to ensure that Canadians are educated about the harms that certain products may pose to their

Vaping: The time to act is now.

We continue to be very concerned about the harms of vaping. Recent deaths and growing number of hospitalizations in the US and a possible case in Canada, have compelled us to sound the alarm and speak with the urgency

Health groups call for immediate federal action to protect young people from the risks of vaping products.

(Ottawa – September 19, 2019). Today representatives from eight leading health organizations appealed for immediate federal action to curb the marketing of vaping products. The group urges all federal political parties

Statement: Vaping and Lung Disease

We are concerned about the recent reports of lung illnesses linked to vaping, as reported by the CDC in the US. As of Wednesday, August 21, we understand there have been more than 150 cases reported. We cannot comment on

After decades of decline; tobacco once again butting into young lives

Ottawa, ON –The Canadian Lung Association is very concerned by the findings in the new study conducted by Dr. David Hammond from the University of Waterloo, published in the British Medical Journal. The new study shows

Reaction: The Advisory Council on the Implementation of National Pharmacare report

Today marks a momentous day for all Canadians who have struggled to afford medications. The Canadian Lung Association is pleased with the report released by Dr. Eric Hoskins, Chair of the Advisory Council on the

Response to Imperial Tobacco Ad in the Globe and Mail

On World No Tobacco Day, May 31, The Globe and Mail ran a paid letter from Imperial Tobacco. We believe that it is our duty and responsibility to our stakeholders to react. Our letter to the editor was not published by

Better, faster, stronger: Report calls for stronger tobacco control measures

May 31, 2019, Ottawa, ON – Canada is failing its youth when it comes to tobacco control, according to a 2019 Report, released by the Tobacco Endgame Cabinet. The Cabinet, comprising representatives of health charities

New $400, 000 Award To Advance Respiratory Research

Ottawa, ON – The Canadian Lung Association is proud to announce the launch of a new competition that gives emerging clinician scientists an opportunity to focus on their research. The new CIHR-ICRH/AZ Canada/ CLA