About the Genuair inhaler
If you have COPD your healthcare provider may prescribe the Genuair inhaler as a long-acting maintenance inhaler. The Genuair delivers bronchodilator medication that helps to control symptoms of COPD by relaxing your airways and keeping them open. It can also reduce the likelihood of COPD flare-ups or exacerbations.
Genuair Tudorza (green) contains a long-acting antimuscarinic antagonist (LAMA) only.
Genuair Duaklir (orange) contains both a long-acting antimuscarinic antagonist (LAMA) and a long-acting beta-2 agonist (LABA).
The Genuair may also be prescribed to people with asthma to deliver once-daily maintenance treatment. It is not a treatment for sudden symptoms of either COPD or asthma.
This information is meant to help you use your inhaler. If you require more information about the medication itself, please speak to your healthcare provider or pharmacist.
Using your Genuair inhaler
- Remove the cap from the inhaler.
- Press the coloured button all the way down and release.
- Check that the colour control window is green. This means that the inhaler is ready.
- Breathe out fully, away from the inhaler.
- Seal your lips around the mouthpiece and breathe in strong and deep.
- Keep breathing in, even after you have heard the inhaler ‘click’.
- Remove the inhaler from your mouth and hold your breath for 5 to 10 seconds.
- Breathe out.
- Check that the colour control window has turned from green to red. This tells you if you have inhaled correctly. If the window has not turned red, breathe in another strong, deep breath
- Replace the cap.