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How you can help a friend or loved one quit smoking

A good support system is important to help smokers get through withdrawal symptoms and stay motivated about their choice to quit smoking for good. One of the best things you can do for a friend or loved one is help them quit smoking. Ultimately, the decision to quit needs to be made by the person who smokes but by providing positive support and understanding, you can help someone through it.

Here are ways to help:


Ask how you can help. Listen, understanding and acknowledging that quitting is difficult. 

Give your friend extra support and understanding while they’re in withdrawal. Withdrawal symptoms can last anywhere from 48 hours to as long as four weeks. Remind them that these symptoms will pass.


Encourage your friend to join a support group, either online or in person. 

Encourage your friend to choose healthy activities and do the activity with them. 


Even if your friend starts smoking again, let them know that there's no such thing as failure when it comes to quitting. Most people have to try a few times before they could quit for good. Use the experience as a learning opportunity. Help your friend figure out what made them smoke again and help them avoid those things. Tell your friend that quitting takes practice and that the next time they try to quit, they'll do even better.


Celebrate their success on being smoke-free, or celebrate small milestones along the way.