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Canadian Lung Association honours long-time volunteer Richard Shuhany with 2015 lifetime achievement award

Photo: CLA Board Chair Dean Karakasis presents lifetime achievement award to long-time volunteer Dick Shuhany.


Ottawa – The Canadian Lung Association is pleased to announce that long-time volunteer Richard (“Dick”) Shuhany has been recognized with its 2015 Lifetime Achievement Award.  

This award is reserved for those individuals who have demonstrated distinguished service to The Lung Association through their personal activities or leadership and devotion to the affairs of the organization.  

With more than 15 years of volunteer service to The Lung Association, both in Alberta and at the national level, Mr. Shuhany has been dedicated to our mission of leading nationwide and international lung health initiatives, preventing lung disease, helping people manage lung disease, and promoting lung health.

Mr. Shuhany has been a past chairperson and member of the Board of Directors of the Lung Association of Alberta & Northwest Territories. In 2008, Mr. Shuhany joined the Canadian Lung Association’s Board of Directors and was elected chair of the national board in 2011. Since then, he has served on a number of committees and initiatives. 

“Dick exemplifies the desirable volunteer leader, giving generously his time, talent and treasure.   Dick was a driving force behind the implementation of much needed changes that the Alberta Lung Association required to set the organization on a path for success,” says Anne Marie Downey, chair of the board of the Alberta Lung Association and incoming chair of the national board for 2015-16.

“He has been a huge supporter and has dedicated many hours to providing much needed feedback, support and guidance to both the provincial and national Boards of Directors and senior management, particularly on financial and organization matters. We are truly thankful that we have been the lucky recipients of Dick’s dedication and support. He believes in the work done by the Lung Association and the vital role it plays in funding research critical to find cures and improve the quality of life of those who live with lung disease,” says Ms. Downey.

The award was presented to Mr. Shuhany by outgoing board chair Dean Karakasis at the Canadian Lung Association’s annual general meeting in Ottawa on June 13th.

About the Canadian Lung Association
Established in 1900, The Lung Association is one of Canada’s oldest and most respected health charities, and the leading national organization for science-based information, research, education, support programs and advocacy on lung health issues.

Media contact:
Janis Hass
Director of Marketing and Communications
Canadian Lung Association
613-569-6411 ext. 252