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Canadian Lung Association Encourages Quitters to Celebrate and Share their Successes during National Non-Smoking Week (January 19-25, 2014)

Canadian Lung Association Encourages Quitters to Celebrate and Share their Successes

(Ottawa) – During National Non-Smoking Week, the Canadian Lung Association is asking quitters to celebrate their success and to share their stories to encourage others to quit smoking too.

"We're asking Canadians to share their quit stories with us so that they can inspire others to do so, too," says Debra Lynkowski, president and CEO of The Lung Association. 

Kathryn Gunderson, a single mother of two children, recently made the decision to quit smoking after smoking for 25 years. She wants to share her story to inspire others. “The thought of leaving my children as orphans was heartbreakingly terrifying. I will not stop and I will continue to do this for them. One of my friends told me something that really stuck with me. "It took you time to learn how to smoke. It will take time to learn to live without it. But you CAN do it".”

In Canada, 17% of Canadians aged 15 and older still smoke. An estimated 37,000 Canadians will die this year from smoking-related diseases and approximately 1,000 die annually from second-hand smoke. Smoking and tobacco use is the single largest preventable cause of lung disease and death in Canada. 

During National Non-Smoking Week (Jan. 19-15th), the Canadian Lung Association encourages people who smoke to get support and learn how to quit. To find local quit support, contact your local Lung Association.

Learn how to quit smoking

Watch a video on how to quit smoking

Send an e-card to encourage your friends to quit or tell friends that you're quitting yourself. 

Share your success store on our Facebook page 

Tweet about your success using hashtag #iquitsmoking

About the Canadian Lung Association
Established in 1900, The Lung Association is one of Canada’s oldest and most respected health charities, and the leading national organization for science-based information, research, education, support programs and advocacy on lung heath issues.

About National Non-Smoking Week
National Non-Smoking Week (NNSW) is one of the longest running and most important events in Canada’s ongoing public health education efforts. Established in 1977 by the Canadian Council for Tobacco Control, its goals are to educate Canadians about the dangers of smoking; to prevent people who do not smoke from beginning to smoke and becoming addicted to tobacco; to help people quit smoking; to promote the right of individuals to breathe air unpolluted by tobacco smoke; to denormalize the tobacco industry, tobacco industry marketing practices, tobacco products, and tobacco use; and to assist in the attainment of a smoke-free society in Canada.
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For further information, national media representatives may contact:

Janis Hass
Director of Marketing and Communications
The Canadian Lung Association
(613) 569-6411, ext. 252