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Canadians say air quality is affecting their health — and they want action

Climate change and worsening air quality worldwide is becoming a health crisis. Rising temperatures increase the risks of air pollution and worsening air quality. While air pollutants have generally decreased over the last few years, more needs to be done. More than 15,000 Canadians die due to air pollution-related causes every year.

Canadians are already seeing how air pollution can be bad for their health. Exposure to air pollution can lead to coughing and wheezing, shortness of breath, getting infections more easily, lung tissue redness and swelling and lung cancer. It can also lead to worsening of existing lung diseases like asthma or COPD.

It is critical that action is taken to improve air quality and reduce the impact on lung health today and for future generations. The Canadian Lung Association engaged experts from across various fields to explore this issue and help us figure out our next steps.