Featured topics
Misuse of the CLA name and brand reported
It has come to our attention that Zymor, seller of the Futusly Herbal Lung Cleansing Inhaler, is falsely stating that CLA recommends this product.
Virtual pulmonary rehab
Education, exercise and resources to help people living with chronic lung disease to live more confidently and with fewer symptoms
How to talk to your child about vaping
Help your child make informed and healthy decisions about vaping.
Looking for lung health information?
The Canadian Lung Association is a source of evidence-based, user-friendly patient resources, including fact sheets, videos and more! These are just the latest information and resources that we offer, on a wide range of lung diseases and conditions.
- Preparing for your Appointment (printable checklist/form)
- Chronic Cough: A Patient's Perspective (video)
- Chronic Cough: A Doctor's Perspective (video)
- Chronic Cough (web page)
- Living Well with Interstitial Lung Disease (web page)
- Living Well with Interstitial Lung Disease (printable fact sheet)
- Living Well with Interstitial Lung Disease (printable checklist)
- Interstitial Lung Disease: A Patient's Perspective (video)
- Interstitial Lung Disease: A Doctor's Perspective (video)
- Interstitial Lung Disease: A Caregiver's Perspective (video)
- How to use your inhaler
- Asthma: A Patient's Perspective (Josh C.)
- Asthma: A Patient's Perspective (Jazzmin H.)
- Asthma: A Doctor's Perspective
- Adult Asthma Action Plan (printable tool)
- Pediatric Asthma Action Plan (printable tool)
- Healthy Living with Mild to Moderate Asthma (printable fact sheet)
- Asthma Control and Management (printable fact sheet and tool)
- Asthma Medications (printable fact sheet)
What we do
We support people affected by lung conditions. We fund vital research so that new treatments and cures can help save lives. We promote greater understanding of lung disease and we advocate for positive change in lung health.
Speaking up for change
Advocacy and outreach
We ensure that government and policy makers have the the information and expertise they need to develop public policy that supports the lung health of Canadians.
Bringing disease to its knees
Lung health research
Since 1959, the Canadian Lung Association has funded vital research and research training at the national level.
Building a healthier Canada, together
We are a proud member of HealthPartners. HealthPartners connects workplaces, employees and employers to the 17 most trusted health charities in the country — including the Canadian Lung Association.
Your healthy home
Indoor air quality
As you start spending more time indoors this fall and winter, it's a good time to learn more about indoor air quality.
Why is it important to test your home for radon gas? What else can I do to keep myself and my family healthy?